Monday, November 14, 2011

Play time is over...

We are mere days from SWE 6 Hours of Cathedral Pines 2011. The Shoog-a-cutioner has the cowbells polished and at the ready. All systems are in place to show you all a good time and to try and outdo ourselves. There will be plenty of room for every racer as well as teams to set up a pit at their vehicles. There is space for everyone to have an EZ Up tent. This year we will have vegan AND beef chili for you all post race. Stick around after with a bowl and keep warm by the custom made WiCkEd BuRn BaRrEl. We will have a raging inferno going in there for soul cleansing purposes....assuming you survive what awaits you. Bring some extra cash along as we will have the usual Wicked Wares available to the lucky, cool cats who purchase. (alternate tees, alternate pink tees for Wicked Women, hoodies, etc.) All merch will go on sale during registration before the race and if last year is any comparison, it will all be gone pre-race as well. Get 'em while they are hot! Enter the after life looking FLY!

We chose to combine the Pro categories into Pro Open Men and Pro Open Women. With that change comes a cash payout 3 deep for the Pro men and women (1st-$300, 2nd-$150, 3rd-$50).

With the aforementioned niceties out of the way, we will leave you to ponder the choice you have made to partake in this event. Have you left things undone on this side? Can you depart knowing you have lead a just life? What sort of legacy are you leaving behind? As we begin to turn the screws on you, remember this was all self induced. As you cry out in pain, you can only move forward. Get your houses in order.

Play time is over.